Resources - Preparation For Arrival

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Other items


Decision letter issued by HKUST (downloadable on MyStudyAbroad system)

Email sent by the Student Housing and Residential Life Office in June confirming your hall allocation, so that you know into which hall to check-in

Your university transcripts and other academic records in case you need it for course selection, claiming credits, etc.

Your passport with a minimum of six months’ validity

Your student visa issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department

Your identity documents such as citizenship card

Passport-sized photographs suitable for hall check-in and application for travel visas, etc.

Travel/health insurance policy documents (for those whose home institution has obtained institutional insurance waiver from HKUST)

Your medical record (if necessary)

Photocopies of your passport, identity documents, credit cards, for back-up needs


Living expenses vary depending on your lifestyle choices. We recommend that you budget at least HK$20,000 for your living here.

Ideally, you should bring a combination of cash, travelers’ checks and credit cards. It is not a good idea to bring large amounts of cash.


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The Hong Kong climate is sub-tropical with distinct seasons:

Summer (June to August) 26 – 33° Celsius (can rise above 33°C)

It would be prudent to bring a good variety of clothing. Layering is recommended. University buildings and most buildings around Hong Kong are air-conditioned.

Casual dress is appropriate for most university activities, while there will be occasions that call for formal dress such as project presentations. The list below is recommended:






Dark-colored suit

Dress shirt, tie and dress shoes (for men)

Blouse and dress shoes/pumps (for women)

Other items

Bedding (including pillow and blanket) is not provided in student halls as it is categorized as a personal item, so most students bring their own. You can also purchase them easily when you arrive in Hong Kong.

Personal hygiene items, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, bath towels, etc., are not provided in student halls. You should bring these items with you.

Wifi connection is provided. There are computing facilities throughout the campus, but if you wish to use a computer in your student hall, you should bring a laptop.

The voltage in Hong Kong is 220V/50Hz AC. The plugs are three-pin square and you can purchase adaptors in Hong Kong.

If you are taking any medication, it is a good idea to bring enough to last at least the first month. That would provide you enough time to source it after you settle in Hong Kong. Before you leave home, it is advisable that you check with your medical practitioner at home to ascertain whether your medication is available in Hong Kong.

Please bring an umbrella with you as it sometimes rains hard in Hong Kong.

You may bring personal items that would make you feel at home: photos of family and friends, music, etc.

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Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong West Kowloon Station

Hung Hom Train Station

Hong Kong International Airport

Red taxi (Hong Kong International Airport ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 45 minutes
Estimated cost: HK$360

Airport Express (Hong Kong International Airport ⇒ Kowloon Station) + Red taxi (Kowloon Station ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 25 + 30 minutes
Estimated cost: HK$260 + HK$105

Bus Number A29 (Hong Kong International Airport ⇒ Po Lam) + Taxi (Red or Green) or Bus Number 91M (Po Lam ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 100 + 15 minutes
Estimated cost: HK$42 + HK$70

Hong Kong West Kowloon Station

Red Taxi (Hong Kong West Kowloon Station ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 30 minutes

Estimated cost: HK$150

MTR (Hong Kong West Kowloon Station -> Hang Hau) + Taxi (Red / Green) or Minibus Number 11M (Hang Hau ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 50 + 15 minutes

Estimated cost: HK$17 + HK$50

Hung Hom Train Station

Red taxi (Hung Hom Station ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 30 minutes
Estimated cost: HK$160

MTR (Hung Hom Station ⇒ Hang Hau Station) + Green taxi (Hung Hau Station ⇒ HKUST)

Estimated travel time: 40 + 10 minutes
Estimated cost: HK$12 + HK$50

Click here to visit the MTR website for details on fares, routes and journey times.